SR 303 Safety Improvements
Project Description
The goal of the proposed SR 303 Safety Improvements is to improve pedestrian and vehicle safety along W. Streetsboro Road between Boston Mills Road and Atterbury Boulevard. In the Akron Metropolitan Area Transportation Study (AMATS) Current Crash Report for 2016-2018, W. Streetsboro Road, between Boston Mills Road and N. Main Street (SR 91), ranked number 32. The City then partnered with the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) to evaluate the corridor for potential vehicle and pedestrian safety improvements.
ODOT Study
In January 2022, the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) performed a Safety Study of the roadway and pedestrian corridor along W. Streetsboro Street (SR 303) between Boston Mills Road and SR 91. Based on field investigations and crash analysis, specific safety concerns have been identified including traffic operations, pedestrian facilities, and geometric features.
Study Findings
- Eastbound and westbound drivers do not evenly use the two through lanes on the west part of the corridor.
- Drivers fail to slow behind stopped or slowing vehicles as they approach turns or signals.
- The two-way left-turn lane on the east part of the corridor creates confusion at the multiple driveway openings.
- At some crosswalks, curb ramps are aligned toward the center of the intersection and not with the direction of pedestrian travel.
- Some curb ramps are missing warning surfaces.
- Several crosswalks do not have pedestrian countdown timers.
- Pedestrians crossing the north side of the intersection across Atterbury Boulevard have a long crossing, including crossing through the triangular-shaped island and right-turn lane before the intersection crossing.
Final Recommendation
The study’s final recommendation was to further evaluate, design, and construct improvements to improve vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle safety between Boston Mills Road and Atterbury Boulevard including the following items:
- Convert the existing four-lane section from Boston Mills Road to Atterbury Boulevard to three-lanes including turn lanes.
- Modify island at Atterbury Boulevard, Milford/303 intersection to improve crosswalks and improve roadway geometry.
- Review the possible restriction of driveways turns to simplify operations.
- Upgrade curb ramps and pedestrian countdown timers at signalized intersections.
- Remove sight distance obstructions where feasible.
Review the full ODOT Study and Recommendations here.
Project Design and Construction
Design for the project is underway. The project is currently scheduled for construction in 2025. Click on images below to enlarge.
![]() Existing Configuration | ![]() Proposed Configuration |
Public Engagement
The City will hold a public input session to review the projects plans on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Hudson City Hall, Lower Level. Feel free to ask questions or provide your input using the Questions and Comments tab below.
Questions and Comments
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