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Communications Office

The City of Hudson's Communications Office is committed to communication practices that enhance citizen and employee understanding of City objectives, issues, decisions and challenges. Equally important, the Communications Office seeks to increase citizen engagement and offer meaningful opportunities for feedback about city services and operations.

The Communications Office is responsible for social media, website, printed communications, media relations, crisis communications, and public records requests.

Thank You for Your comments in our Communications Survey 2024.

The survey is now closed. We thank everyone for your comments and suggestions. We will use this information as we plan our communications for next year.

Communications Office

The City of Hudson's Communications Office is committed to communication practices that enhance citizen and employee understanding of City objectives, issues, decisions and challenges. Equally important, the Communications Office seeks to increase citizen engagement and offer meaningful opportunities for feedback about city services and operations.

The Communications Office is responsible for social media, website, printed communications, media relations, crisis communications, and public records requests.

Thank You for Your comments in our Communications Survey 2024.

The survey is now closed. We thank everyone for your comments and suggestions. We will use this information as we plan our communications for next year.


We welcome your questions and our Communications Team will strive to answer your post within two business days. If your question is urgent, email us a or call Communicaitons Manager Jody Roberts at 330-342-9539.. 

You need to be signed in to add your question.

  • Share Why is there no communication about the work being done in the ditch at Hudson Aurora/Stow Rd intersection, at Darrow Rd Park and about the development on 303 near the KOA? What are the plans for Darrow Rd Park. There are many surveyor stakes but no communication from the city. on Facebook Share Why is there no communication about the work being done in the ditch at Hudson Aurora/Stow Rd intersection, at Darrow Rd Park and about the development on 303 near the KOA? What are the plans for Darrow Rd Park. There are many surveyor stakes but no communication from the city. on Twitter Share Why is there no communication about the work being done in the ditch at Hudson Aurora/Stow Rd intersection, at Darrow Rd Park and about the development on 303 near the KOA? What are the plans for Darrow Rd Park. There are many surveyor stakes but no communication from the city. on Linkedin Email Why is there no communication about the work being done in the ditch at Hudson Aurora/Stow Rd intersection, at Darrow Rd Park and about the development on 303 near the KOA? What are the plans for Darrow Rd Park. There are many surveyor stakes but no communication from the city. link

    Why is there no communication about the work being done in the ditch at Hudson Aurora/Stow Rd intersection, at Darrow Rd Park and about the development on 303 near the KOA? What are the plans for Darrow Rd Park. There are many surveyor stakes but no communication from the city.

    Sue L asked 3 months ago

    Thank you for your questions.

    The ditching work at the Hudson Aurora/Stow Road intersection is part of citywide ditching projects we are performing to help clear stormwater paths after the August 8 flood.

    The development on SR 303 near KOA is in Streetsboro.  We have no information on that project as it is out of our jurisdiction.

    The stakes at Darrow Road Park are marking the concept alignment of the Darrow Road Park Stream Restoration Project being managed by Tinker’s Creek Watershed Partners. The project is still in the early design phase. Permitting is scheduled for this winter. with the remaining design and construction scheduled for winter/spring 2025.  We will be sending out more information on this project once the design has been completed and there is more specific information available for the project.

    Link to City’s Website:  

    Link to Tinker’s Creek Project Page: 

    Hope this helps.

  • Share I live in Ward 1 on 20 Hickory Lane. Our backyard is on 303. Thanks for mowing the ditch along the road. It looks neat and helps visibility when turning from Westhaven Rd to 303. Great job to your mower operator. on Facebook Share I live in Ward 1 on 20 Hickory Lane. Our backyard is on 303. Thanks for mowing the ditch along the road. It looks neat and helps visibility when turning from Westhaven Rd to 303. Great job to your mower operator. on Twitter Share I live in Ward 1 on 20 Hickory Lane. Our backyard is on 303. Thanks for mowing the ditch along the road. It looks neat and helps visibility when turning from Westhaven Rd to 303. Great job to your mower operator. on Linkedin Email I live in Ward 1 on 20 Hickory Lane. Our backyard is on 303. Thanks for mowing the ditch along the road. It looks neat and helps visibility when turning from Westhaven Rd to 303. Great job to your mower operator. link

    I live in Ward 1 on 20 Hickory Lane. Our backyard is on 303. Thanks for mowing the ditch along the road. It looks neat and helps visibility when turning from Westhaven Rd to 303. Great job to your mower operator.

    Ricardo asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you so much for letting us know! I will make sure our staff hears about this compliment! Have a great day.