Share Stow Road Sidewalk (SR 303 to Ravenna Street) on FacebookShare Stow Road Sidewalk (SR 303 to Ravenna Street) on TwitterShare Stow Road Sidewalk (SR 303 to Ravenna Street) on LinkedinEmail Stow Road Sidewalk (SR 303 to Ravenna Street) link
Project Background
The Stow Road Sidewalk Project will connect to the E. Streetsboro Street (SR 303) sidewalk and go south to Ravenna Street. It is part of the Sidewalk and Trail Master Plan 2021-2025 that Council approved a number of years ago. The Plan provides a continued effort to provide safe and practical community-wide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity throughout the community. Another remaining section scheduled as part of the 2021-2025 Connectivity Plan includes a sidewalk along Ravenna Street from S. Hayden Parkway to Stow Road (2025). During development of the Plan, a scoring matrix, developed with public input, evaluated these sections that received high scores due to their connectivity to existing neighborhoods, trails, and streets. Recognizing the importance of connectivity, Hudson City Council prioritized these streets, aiming to advance the City's commitment to fostering a more pedestrian- and bike-friendly environment.
Hudson is planning a new concrete sidewalk or asphalt trail along Stow Road from E. Streetsboro Street (SR 303) south to Ravenna Street. The City is seeking public input for the preliminary design. The consultant is recommending the sidewalk be placed on the west side of Stow Road.
Project Costs
Estimated construction cost is $1,000,000.
Project Design and Construction
Sidewalk Alignment
City staff, along with the Consultant, GAI Consultants, has discussed the proposed sidewalk alignments along Stow Road and have provided 4 options. A public open house was held on November 7, 2024 to review the proposed alignments. After reviewing public comments and the Consultant's recommendations, a proposed layout for the sidewalks will be submitted to Council to see if they are in agreement with the recommended alignments. A motion to approve these alignments will follow if acceptable. Engineering staff will continue working with the design consultant to finalize the sidewalk design over the next few months with construction currently scheduled for 2026.
Public Engagement
A public meeting was held on Thursday, November 7 to discuss the project and generate public input. Documents are available to review in the righthand column of this page. The consultant is recommending the sidewalk be placed on the west side of Stow Road.
Citizens may provide feedback by commenting in the Comments & Questions section below until December 6, 2024.
Project Background
The Stow Road Sidewalk Project will connect to the E. Streetsboro Street (SR 303) sidewalk and go south to Ravenna Street. It is part of the Sidewalk and Trail Master Plan 2021-2025 that Council approved a number of years ago. The Plan provides a continued effort to provide safe and practical community-wide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity throughout the community. Another remaining section scheduled as part of the 2021-2025 Connectivity Plan includes a sidewalk along Ravenna Street from S. Hayden Parkway to Stow Road (2025). During development of the Plan, a scoring matrix, developed with public input, evaluated these sections that received high scores due to their connectivity to existing neighborhoods, trails, and streets. Recognizing the importance of connectivity, Hudson City Council prioritized these streets, aiming to advance the City's commitment to fostering a more pedestrian- and bike-friendly environment.
Hudson is planning a new concrete sidewalk or asphalt trail along Stow Road from E. Streetsboro Street (SR 303) south to Ravenna Street. The City is seeking public input for the preliminary design. The consultant is recommending the sidewalk be placed on the west side of Stow Road.
Project Costs
Estimated construction cost is $1,000,000.
Project Design and Construction
Sidewalk Alignment
City staff, along with the Consultant, GAI Consultants, has discussed the proposed sidewalk alignments along Stow Road and have provided 4 options. A public open house was held on November 7, 2024 to review the proposed alignments. After reviewing public comments and the Consultant's recommendations, a proposed layout for the sidewalks will be submitted to Council to see if they are in agreement with the recommended alignments. A motion to approve these alignments will follow if acceptable. Engineering staff will continue working with the design consultant to finalize the sidewalk design over the next few months with construction currently scheduled for 2026.
Public Engagement
A public meeting was held on Thursday, November 7 to discuss the project and generate public input. Documents are available to review in the righthand column of this page. The consultant is recommending the sidewalk be placed on the west side of Stow Road.
Citizens may provide feedback by commenting in the Comments & Questions section below until December 6, 2024.
Share Residents on the west side of Stow Rd have used the gravel shoulder for street parking. While this has not occupied the road itself, it has partially obstructed the bike lane. With a sidewalk and a curb taking up that space, parking will inevitably be pushed into the street creating a traffic hazard, especially in the dark, on a road that many people drive well over the speed limit. In 10 years of living on Stow Rd, I have never observed street parking occurring on the east side of the street. on FacebookShare Residents on the west side of Stow Rd have used the gravel shoulder for street parking. While this has not occupied the road itself, it has partially obstructed the bike lane. With a sidewalk and a curb taking up that space, parking will inevitably be pushed into the street creating a traffic hazard, especially in the dark, on a road that many people drive well over the speed limit. In 10 years of living on Stow Rd, I have never observed street parking occurring on the east side of the street. on TwitterShare Residents on the west side of Stow Rd have used the gravel shoulder for street parking. While this has not occupied the road itself, it has partially obstructed the bike lane. With a sidewalk and a curb taking up that space, parking will inevitably be pushed into the street creating a traffic hazard, especially in the dark, on a road that many people drive well over the speed limit. In 10 years of living on Stow Rd, I have never observed street parking occurring on the east side of the street. on LinkedinEmail Residents on the west side of Stow Rd have used the gravel shoulder for street parking. While this has not occupied the road itself, it has partially obstructed the bike lane. With a sidewalk and a curb taking up that space, parking will inevitably be pushed into the street creating a traffic hazard, especially in the dark, on a road that many people drive well over the speed limit. In 10 years of living on Stow Rd, I have never observed street parking occurring on the east side of the street. link
Residents on the west side of Stow Rd have used the gravel shoulder for street parking. While this has not occupied the road itself, it has partially obstructed the bike lane. With a sidewalk and a curb taking up that space, parking will inevitably be pushed into the street creating a traffic hazard, especially in the dark, on a road that many people drive well over the speed limit. In 10 years of living on Stow Rd, I have never observed street parking occurring on the east side of the street.
3 months ago
Please provide a location where the on-street parking is generating an obstruction to the bike lane so that City staff can further review. The new sidewalk/trail will be installed within the public right-of-way with the back of the sidewalk/trail being approximately 1 ft from the property line. This will allow for a buffer of 6-9 ft between the sidewalk and the road, depending on the sidewalk width and not impacting the roadway edge and berm area. The City will monitor the corridor for on-street parking issues and other safety concerns before/after construction. Should on-street parking create a safety concern, the City can then review implementing parking restrictions as warranted.
Share Thank you for changing the sidewalk to the west side of the street. This will get much more use! Will this project result in changes to the existing bike lanes / break down lanes on the road, or will all space for the sidewalk be from the yards of the houses currently located on the west side of the road? on FacebookShare Thank you for changing the sidewalk to the west side of the street. This will get much more use! Will this project result in changes to the existing bike lanes / break down lanes on the road, or will all space for the sidewalk be from the yards of the houses currently located on the west side of the road? on TwitterShare Thank you for changing the sidewalk to the west side of the street. This will get much more use! Will this project result in changes to the existing bike lanes / break down lanes on the road, or will all space for the sidewalk be from the yards of the houses currently located on the west side of the road? on LinkedinEmail Thank you for changing the sidewalk to the west side of the street. This will get much more use! Will this project result in changes to the existing bike lanes / break down lanes on the road, or will all space for the sidewalk be from the yards of the houses currently located on the west side of the road? link
Thank you for changing the sidewalk to the west side of the street. This will get much more use! Will this project result in changes to the existing bike lanes / break down lanes on the road, or will all space for the sidewalk be from the yards of the houses currently located on the west side of the road?
3 months ago
No changes to the existing bike lanes/breakdown lanes are anticipated. The sidewalk will be installed within the public right-of-way with the back of the sidewalk/trail being approximately 1 ft from the property line. This will allow for a buffer of 6-9 ft between the sidewalk and the road, depending on the sidewalk/trail width.
Share Will there be any physical barriers between Stow Rd. and the sidewalk to protect pedestrians? on FacebookShare Will there be any physical barriers between Stow Rd. and the sidewalk to protect pedestrians? on TwitterShare Will there be any physical barriers between Stow Rd. and the sidewalk to protect pedestrians? on LinkedinEmail Will there be any physical barriers between Stow Rd. and the sidewalk to protect pedestrians? link
Will there be any physical barriers between Stow Rd. and the sidewalk to protect pedestrians?
4 months ago
The recommended offset between the road edge and sidewalk is a minimum of six (6) feet. Where possible, without negative impacts to private property, the City will exceed this dimension and create a larger greenspace between the new sidewalk and roadway. Where the sidewalk is placed less than six (6) feet from the roadway, curb or other treatment will be installed.
Share The sidewalk should be installed on the west side of Stow rd to connect Ravenna and 303. Putting the sidewalk on the east side makes no sense at all. on FacebookShare The sidewalk should be installed on the west side of Stow rd to connect Ravenna and 303. Putting the sidewalk on the east side makes no sense at all. on TwitterShare The sidewalk should be installed on the west side of Stow rd to connect Ravenna and 303. Putting the sidewalk on the east side makes no sense at all. on LinkedinEmail The sidewalk should be installed on the west side of Stow rd to connect Ravenna and 303. Putting the sidewalk on the east side makes no sense at all. link
The sidewalk should be installed on the west side of Stow rd to connect Ravenna and 303. Putting the sidewalk on the east side makes no sense at all.
4 months ago
Thank you for sharing your input. This Thursday, November 7th, there will be a public meeting from 5:30 to 7:30 pm in the Lower Level of City Hall to gather further feedback. We hope you can join us.
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