Walk & Bike Plan

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See the final plan here:

2026-2030 Walk & Bike Plan | Appendix

What is the Walk & Bike Plan?

The City of Hudson Walk & Bike Plan represents the continued effort to provide safe and practical community-wide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in the community. The 2021-2025 Plan (previously called the Sidewalk & Trails/Connectivity Master Plan) was approved by City Council in February 2021.

The plan is updated every 5 years and takes approximately 8 months to complete, including multiple rounds of Council discussion, public engagement, and plan development. Work is underway on the 2026-2030 Plan. Click to see the map of proposed connections. Proposed connections are currently being evaluated for possible investment but will not necessarily be funded.

Creation of the Plan

Priority connections are identified based on resident input and consideration of several other important factors identified by City Council. The following are examples of factors considered when ranking potential sidewalk segments or trails:

  • Located along main road or high-speed road
  • Connects neighborhoods to destinations such as schools, parks, and downtown
  • Connects neighborhoods to regional trails such as the Bike and Hike Trail

Sidewalk and trail segments that are most desired based on resident input and that satisfy more of the ranking factors receive higher scores. The highest scoring segments are then budgeted for design and construction in the City's 5-year budget plan. Council budgeted $20 million to complete the sidewalks and trails identified in the 2021-2025 Plan. A budget has not yet been determined for the 2026-2030 Plan.

Public Input

Public input was gathered through the project website, virtual focus group calls, and in-person activities from approximately March-May 2024. Past online comments can be viewed within the comment forum and the interactive map on this page. For a summary of all public input, including virtual and in-person events, see the Public Engagement Report. Detailed summaries of all public events are available in the Report Appendix.

Check this page for updates on the Walk & Bike Plan.

See the final plan here:

2026-2030 Walk & Bike Plan | Appendix

What is the Walk & Bike Plan?

The City of Hudson Walk & Bike Plan represents the continued effort to provide safe and practical community-wide bicycle and pedestrian connectivity in the community. The 2021-2025 Plan (previously called the Sidewalk & Trails/Connectivity Master Plan) was approved by City Council in February 2021.

The plan is updated every 5 years and takes approximately 8 months to complete, including multiple rounds of Council discussion, public engagement, and plan development. Work is underway on the 2026-2030 Plan. Click to see the map of proposed connections. Proposed connections are currently being evaluated for possible investment but will not necessarily be funded.

Creation of the Plan

Priority connections are identified based on resident input and consideration of several other important factors identified by City Council. The following are examples of factors considered when ranking potential sidewalk segments or trails:

  • Located along main road or high-speed road
  • Connects neighborhoods to destinations such as schools, parks, and downtown
  • Connects neighborhoods to regional trails such as the Bike and Hike Trail

Sidewalk and trail segments that are most desired based on resident input and that satisfy more of the ranking factors receive higher scores. The highest scoring segments are then budgeted for design and construction in the City's 5-year budget plan. Council budgeted $20 million to complete the sidewalks and trails identified in the 2021-2025 Plan. A budget has not yet been determined for the 2026-2030 Plan.

Public Input

Public input was gathered through the project website, virtual focus group calls, and in-person activities from approximately March-May 2024. Past online comments can be viewed within the comment forum and the interactive map on this page. For a summary of all public input, including virtual and in-person events, see the Public Engagement Report. Detailed summaries of all public events are available in the Report Appendix.

Check this page for updates on the Walk & Bike Plan.

Share Interactive Map: Add a Suggested Sidewalk, Trail, or Bike Path on Facebook Share Interactive Map: Add a Suggested Sidewalk, Trail, or Bike Path on Twitter Share Interactive Map: Add a Suggested Sidewalk, Trail, or Bike Path on Linkedin Email Interactive Map: Add a Suggested Sidewalk, Trail, or Bike Path link

Interactive Map: Add a Suggested Sidewalk, Trail, or Bike Path

8 months

The purpose of this map is to identify locations where residents want new sidewalks, multipurpose trails, or bike paths. Please place a pin(s) on the map and leave a comment with your input. 

  • Click the "Go to Map" button below to add your pins. 
  • Once the map is open, use the plus button () on the left of the screen to add pins.

If you have a suggestion related to maintenance of existing sidewalks, please click here to submit a service request instead.

CLOSED: The interactive map closed on 5/24/24. Thank you for your input.